Perth West planning approved
The Perth West Masterplan, prepared by BMA, was submitted in support of a Planning Permission in Principle for a mixed-use development to the west of Perth and was approved by by Perth & Kinross Council last week.
It provides the context of the comprehensive MU70 masterplan for the application site, incorporating the findings of various assessments to determine a land-use framework, informed through engagement with neighbouring landowners, consistent with the provisions of the Local Development Plan (LDP).
A robust delivery strategy has been produced which outlines how the project will be implemented, covering phasing, funding and timing of the proposals. An access strategy outlines the access and accessibility of Perth West. Open spaces, planting and biodiversity issues are addressed within this Masterplan, as well as movement, connectivity and scale.
The vision for development west of Perth is to integrate city-scale clean energy with new mobility infrastructure, modern urban logistics, progressive public transport and future street design to accelerate clean and inclusive growth. In doing so, the aim is to create new sustainable communities which are appropriately integrated with the surrounding area and to the city centre. The proposed urban form is illustrated in a number of ways, with supporting drawings, diagrams and sketches demonstrating the vision for the proposed character areas.
Perth West includes 25 hectares of land for commercial development where direct access to the A9 as well as core electricity infrastructure will create highly skilled job opportunities for Perth.
There are also plans for 1,500 energy-efficient homes set out in a 15-minute neighbourhood design, with electric vehicle and electric bike charging infrastructure, car sharing options, public transport and cycle paths.
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